Welcome To Our Spiritual Lounge
This is a space created to connect the Global Akhanda Yoga Community! It's also a great place to stay informed about new programs, events and general updates.

Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Verse 1.3
~ tadā drastuh svarūpe avasthānam ~
Then the seer (self) dwells in it's essential nature.
Free Community Online Classes
After completing a teacher training or to refresh what you have learned, we now offer you the opportunity to connect with other students and exchange classes.
Once a week, a participant from the WhatsApp group will lead an Akhanda Yoga class on a variety of topics.
Whether it's a traditional Akhanda Yoga class, a classical Kundalini session, a Raja Yoga class, or a Yoga Nidra session, we provide the platform and coordinate the sessions.
If you are interested, sign in to AYO (Akhanda Yoga Online) below...

Join one of our transformative programs!
Immerse YourSelf
Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just starting your journey, our Workshops, Retreats, Yoga Teacher Trainings and Yoga Classes offer holistic experiences that nurture your true Self.

"Life is full of enthusiasm and excitement. Hari Om!”
- Yogrishi Vishvketu
The Perfect Way To Keep In Touch!
Let's connect on Social Media.
You will find news & updates, free/live events, classes, daily tips and much more!
Simply choose your preferred platform and give us a FOLLOW.
Our Community Projects
We Are Blessed To Have You In Our Community!
Without your help, many of our community projects, such as the Covid Emergency Aid, would not have been possible.
One of our heartfelt projects is our school, the Sansar Gyaan Pathshala School. We aim to provide children with the opportunity to attend a nearby school for free. The region is sparsely populated and primarily focused on agriculture. We want to give children, especially girls, a solid foundation for adulthood by providing them a place to thrive. We will continue to offer regular updates about our School and upcoming, related projects.
Thanks to you, we can ensure that the school operates and is maintained.
To sustain this, we now offer the option to donate directly on our website.
Currently, we are planning the construction of a laboratory where chemistry, physics, and agriculture will be taught. If you would like to contribute your craftsmanship and help us on-site, please contact us.
Thank you very much for your support, and for being such a valuable part of our community!